Tuesday, February 25, 2014

FNB: An Asset for Future Projects

Since we moved back to Ohio, I've talked with a lot of people about downtown buildings.  The questions revolve around: what should we / could we / can we do with these old buildings - many of which need a huge amount of work?

It occurs to me that God has set this project before us for several reasons...

A. There are architects who specialize in this sort of work but they are mostly located in cities and communities outside of our region.  I have to admit that, while I know a lot about old buildings, I was not prepared for the huge effort in getting the documentation and funding pulled together.  I was also not prepared for the scrutiny - on the part of the State - for the work that we were doing.  This project has been an AWESOME learning experience for me!  Thankfully, this is OUR project and my time counts as "service in-kind" = I am effectively doing this work for free.  Whatever learning curve / adjustments we have gone through along the way has been at my own expense.

B. This project has been awesome training for every aspect of this type of project.  At this point I have acted as: Architect, Grant Writer, Leasing Agent, Property Manager, Public Relations Office, Estimator, and currently as General Contractor.  I have to admit - I have previously taken each of these people for granted in some way.  No more!  Each of these folks have my utmost respect because each of these jobs is difficult in its own way.
C.  It is my hope that downtown Montpelier (and the rest of Williams County) can benefit from this experience!  Learning to accomplish a single goal is good but I hope to be able to apply this education to other projects to benefit our community.  If nothing else, I know better what questions to ask when a project gets started.

Working on a schedule...October 31 is coming very quickly!

1 comment:

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