I can attest to this personally! Even though I got into the field because I love to draw, I stopped drawing in college for a long time because I thought the computer could do it for me. Finally, I had a faculty member FORCE me to draw free-hand for a crit. I thought he was crazy. It turns out that was exactly what my project needed - the freedom from a straight-edge to get the creative juices flowing.

I use my Moleskine for more than just sketching, I keep notes and business cards; I record thoughts and ideas for future use. But I also record the design ideas and intentions for a variety of projects that I am working on - and some that I wish I was working on. :) Some of the sketches result in actually work product - some will hopefully get built. Some was just fun - but even the fun stuff results in learning of some kind.
I strongly believe in the power of technology and the future of my professional using the benefits of technology, but we need to encourage the hand of the designer with pencil/pen/watercolor/charcoal/etc. and paper, too. Ask me about the projects that I'm working on...you might get to see some of the current sketches I'm carrying around with me.
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